
Warman competition 2022 RMIT

RMIT's entry into the Warman international comp.
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This is the story of the 2022 RMIT Warman competition team. How a rag tag team of inexperienced engineering students powered by excessive caffeine, knock off pringles and sleep deprivation produced a competitive entry for this competition. This project will include initial design ideas, why they were terrible and how we came up with less terrible ideas. We will also go into the process of building these ideas which carries its own slew of problems. Despite a long road of failures, the end of this competition was a happy one. Our entry ended up competing for the top spot narrowly falling behind Deakin’s superb entry, placing us second out of over a dozen universities.


The Competition

The Warman design and build completion is an international robotics challenge that brings together a group of universities from Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. Each year Warman Design & Build releases a new challenge and the rules to go along with it. For 2022 the challenge involved taking a package from one end of a platform to another without dropping it into a chasm in the middle. To do this the robot must pick up the package and travel across a wire spanning the platform drop the package in a designated point called “point D” before returning. The robot must do this under its own power and without any external control. That’s the basics of it but I’ve also uploaded the full rules document for those who are interested.



The Team

Our team was made up of 5 second year mechanical engineering students from RMIT. Myself Rory Zac Brad & Lecky. RMIT makes entry into the challenge a part of their mechanical engineering course. All students are required to form teams where they will design and build an entry into competition. The winning team of this internal completion will take another 3 months to develop a competitor for the international competition. Or at least that’s how it usually works. In our case our team was made a hybrid of two separate teams from the internal competition. The reason for this is that while the team that had Zac Rory and me won on the night of the internal competition a week after the project was due another team containing Brad and Lecky posted a better time. The thinking of RMIT was that combining the more promising design and the team that was organized enough to finish theirs before the competition would produce the best result.


What’s to Come

I will be posting the story of the whole competition starting with our internal entries and finishing with the international competition through the Project Updates below. The whole experience was a wild and incredibly fun challenge for us, and we hope you will enjoy the story that came out of it.

Internal development No1

Design direction & initial systems

Concept Generation

The two prevailing design philosophies that groups at RMIT considered was firstly having a split system. One part would move on the ground to pick up the package. This would be connected with a tether to another system on the wire that would carry that vehicle across the chasm so it can deposit the package and bring it back home. Split system robots seemed like a promising solution to the problem especially considering that the competition surface was 1.2 meters x 2.4m. The size of the competition platform would make a single system very large and difficult to manage. The only way to reduce the size of the robot would be to allow it to separate from the wire drive to pick up the package and then reattach to the wire. However, a detachable system would not only be very slow but also a nightmare in terms of reliability as the robot would need to have an accurate understanding of where it is.

While the split system robots seemed like a promising solution to the problem, we couldn’t see a way to get it to complete a run in 4 seconds which was the ballpark that we were told a winning robot would have to be in. For that reason, we took a different approach. To simplify the run as much as possible we needed a single system that did not detach from the wire. Despite concerns about the size of a single system that does not detach from the wire we believed that it would be the fastest approach to the problem. Due mostly to the simplicity of the run sequence. Staying attached to the wire allowed us to break the run down into 4 distinct segments.

  1. picking up the package.
  2. moving across the wire.
  3. depositing the package.
  4. returning to start.

Essentially, we could have to build a crane with an extendable arm that could pick up the package move itself across the wire, rotate towards D and drop off the package before returning to the start zone.


A Few Bad Ideas and One Very Good One

The first issues we would face would be to firstly design a system that can fit into the 900x600mm start zone and also be able to extend an arm to about 1200mm to reach D. Secondly this arm would have to be able to pick up the package on one corner of the track and drop it off on the opposite one. meaning it would have to be able to precisely extend and rotate. As the robot crossed to the other side it would also have to stay clear of the chasm which would only be 25cm below the wire at the lowest point.

No description available.

The Arm

Our first solution to making an extendable arm would be to design a long scissor arm mechanism controlled by two servo motors. In theory with the two servo motors we would be able to adjust not just extension and retraction of the arm, but also the vertical angle relative to the robot. To us this seemed like an ideal solution however in practice it proved to be anything but that. After hours of 3d printing and tedious assembly of the arm we found that excessive flex in the scissor mechanism meant that the arm couldn’t hold its own wight or transfer any kind of pushing force through itself. This was the first of many bad ideas.

The Drivetrain

To fix the issue of the low clearance in the middle of the track we decided to make use of an idler pully. In addition to two powered pully wheels that would sit on the wire the idler pully in the middle of these two would take out any slack in the wire increasing the clearance available when crossing the wire. This in principle was a great idea however our execution of it was incredibly poor. To get the robot on and off the wire we needed to take out 5 screws, use a screwdriver to squeeze the wire around the 3 pulleys introducing excessive resistance into the drive train (this will hurt later).



The Claw

Finally, to pick up the wheel we decided on a claw mechanism. We felt this was the easiest and most reliable way to pick up and deposit the package. Our claw would use two semicircular cups to grab the package placed horizontally on the ground. This system used a 4-bar mechanism to make sure that either cup was parallel with each other throughout the travel of the mechanism. This worked brilliantly this was the only part of our robot that we never had any issues with something we were particularly grateful as we saw how much trouble other teams had with their claw systems.

These three systems would make up the fundamental concept of our robot at least at the start. In the next update I’ll detail how the implementation of these systems turned our hair grey and how we redesigned everything.

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Bradley Cray


ZER0: All Terrain, 3D Scanning and Crawling Robot